8 Incredible Substitutes for Fermento

8 Incredible Substitutes for Fermento

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Do you want to use fermento in your dish?

Fermento is not an ingredient you commonly find in pantries. It can sometimes be challenging to find in your local grocery store too. It’s too disheartening to scratch the whole idea, isn’t it?

Lucky for you, there’s an answer: Fermento Substitutes!

What are fermento substitutes?

There are many alternatives for Fermento you can choose when you don’t have readily available. One widely used ingredient is buttermilk or buttermilk powder. Prague powder number 1 and citric acid are other suitable options. In some recipes, you can add a quarter to one tablespoon of instant yeast for each cup of flour.

Yes, fermento is a widely used ingredient; however, it’s still not an item you may find stocked up in every store.

With the available Fermento substitutes, not having a fermento in your pantry will hardly be an issue! If you need help choosing the best fermento substitute for your dish, you’re in luck.

We have listed eight incredible fermento alternatives that you’ll love! Read further to find out more.

More About Fermento!

Before diving into the details of Fermento substitutes, let’s take a closer look at Fermento. 

What is Fermento?

Fermento is a starter culture widely used to ferment sausages. It is a type of dry yeast nutrient and contains dextrose monohydrate, urea, citric acid, etc. It acts by enabling carbon dioxide and alcohol production, which helps in making wine and spirit.

Fermento is a critical ingredient in many recipes as it accelerates the fermentation process and helps in meat preservation. It reduces the risk of bacterial manifestation and prevents the spread. Additionally, it adds a nice, tangy element to your sausages’ flavor. 

What makes a good fermento substitute?

Understanding what makes a fermento substitute good will enable you to choose the proper substitute.

  • Fermento enhances the speed of the fermentation process. It allows sausages to become ready rapidly for cooking. So, a ferment substitute must be a rapid fermenting agent.
  • The flavor and aroma of fermento offer a tangy element while lowering the risk of bacterial growth. Therefore, your fermento substitute should offer the same protective properties against bacteria while adding a tangy flavor to your sausages.
  • As fermento is a dairy-derived product, many other dairy-based ingredients make excellent substitutes.

8 Suitable fermento Substitutes

Now, to the gold! To save you from the headache of finding the most suitable fermento substitute, we’ve researched for you. Here are eight incredible fermento substitutes for you to pick from:

1. Buttermilk or Buttermilk powder

Buttermilk or buttermilk powder is one of the most popularly used Fermento substitutes.

As fermento is derived from dairy, it makes sense to use another dairy derivative as a substitute. So, you can use buttermilk in whatever form to replace fermento in specific recipes.

Buttermilk powder is a fermented dairy-based product that offers a creamy, flavourful, and rich element to the overall flavor. It is a commonly used alternative in baking projects like pancakes, biscuits, cupcakes, and scones.

In addition to being an alternative to fermento, buttermilk powder can also be used to replace fresh buttermilk. So, you can use it as a convenient and easy-to-find alternative for fresh buttermilk too!

2. Citric acid

It is popularly known that citrus fruits such as limes, oranges, grapefruits, and tangerines contain citric acid. Interestingly, citric acid too makes an excellent substitute for fermento. It contributes to the sourness and acidity level while enhancing the overall flavor.

Let’s quickly go through some health benefits of using citric acid:

  • Accelerates metabolism
  • Adds a fresh, citrus flavor
  • Reduces bacterial growth
  • Enhances absorption of nutrients 
  • Great substitute for many chemical ingredients

Citric acid is a suitable alternative for making many foods, such as pickles and cheese.

Here’s a tip for those who chose a citric acid alternative: mix two ounces of citric acid in one ounce of water. You can also readily find the citric acid, which makes it an ideal option!

Recommended reading:

3. Prague powder number 1

Prague powder number 1, also known as pink curing salt or tinted cure, or Insta Cure 1, is a curing salt. It consists of 93.75 percent of sodium chloride and 6.25 percent sodium nitrite. It is commonly used for shorter cures and cooking duration, making it suitable for cured sausages and ham.

Prague powder number 1 is widely used to cure meat about to be cooked.

So, it is suitable for meat such as jerky, ham, pastrami, smoked beef, bacon, sausages, etc.

It offers a smoky, salty, and tangy flavor to sausages while preventing food poisoning in specific ways. It also plays a role in the color of the meat and gives it a distinct pink shade.

4. Yogurt

Yogurt is one item that is relatively easily found in most households. So, it is one of the most convenient fermento alternatives there is. The type of yogurt is not a significant factor; you can work with different kinds, such as plain, whole, low-fat, etc.

The ease of finding and using yogurt makes it one of the best substitutes for fermento!

5. Dextrose Monohydrate

Many sugars are replaced with dextrose monohydrate, commonly used as a sweetener. It is an excellent option for a fermento substitute as it is widely available and budget-friendly.

Dextrose Monohydrate is not only used in sweet dishes but also suitable for meat as its sweetness decreases.

Dextrose monohydrate is an excellent fermento alternative if you’re looking for a healthier substitute. It enables yeast during fermentation and can reactivate them during their dormant stage.

All in all, dextrose monohydrate is an incredible fermento substitute as it is healthy, readily available, and adds a unique flavor to the meat.

6. Hela Germet

One fermento substitute that many people use, especially in Europe, is Hela Germet.

Hela Germet is an excellent fermento substitute because it offers an intense flavor while increasing the acidic content of the fermenting material. It facilitates sausages to achieve a more satisfying taste and texture.

Hela Germet is available in local grocery stores, so availability isn’t much of an issue.

Hela Germet is a popular substitute for southern and North European sausages as these are relatively dry. Hence, Hela Germet makes the perfect alternative in these cases.

7. BiTEC

BiTEC consists of the vital ingredient of fermento: Bactoferm. It is an excellent option for a variety of starter cultures. So, if there is no fermento at home, you can use BiTEC to ferment and preserve meat.

The composition of BiTEC enables it to have enhanced protective properties against microorganisms. It also plays a role in the mixture’s consistency and color.

LS 25 is a product that is popularly used around the world for acidifying sausages. 

8. Kefir

Here’s some context for those of you that are unfamiliar with kefir: kefir is a dairy-based product that is produced by fermenting cow, sheep, or goat milk. It has a creamy, thick consistency comparable to that of custard. It is a healthy alternative containing probiotics, vitamins, and minerals.

If you’ve never worked with kefir, it is definitely worth a shot. Your sausages may not taste exactly the same as the fermento ones, but the cooking process is somewhat similar.

You can use it for soups, sauces, dips, dressings, desserts, etc. It is perfect for those of you looking for a healthy substitute for fermento.

Further interesting reading:

Frequently Asked Questions

What is fermento spice?

Fermento is a dairy-derived fermenting agent commonly used to ferment cured dry or semi-dry sausages. It helps counter the acidic levels and rigidity of the meat, giving it a distinct flavor.

Do I need to use a fermento for summertime sausage?

Yes, you should use fermento for summertime sausage! Fermento acts as a bacterial starter to ferment cured or semi-dry sausages. It also adds to the unique, acidic nature of sausages. Hence, fermento is an essential ingredient while making summertime sausages.

What are dextrose substitutes?

Here are some ideas for dextrose substitutes: Corn, syrup, xylitol, maltodextrin, fructose, etc. You can also replace it with more sugars, such as demerara sugar, honey powder, and golden vanilla.

Is fermento harmful to our health?

Fermento is generally safe for human consumption. It combines healthy ingredients and doesn’t directly harm your health. Like most foods, it is essential to consume fermento in moderation. 

It could cause allergic reactions in specific individuals. People with diabetes and pregnant mothers should stay away from fermented foods. If you have any underlying health conditions, it is best to consult your doctor regarding Fermento.

What is cultured whey protein?

Cultured whey protein is produced by whey fermentation with Propionibacterium freudenreichii. It is an organic preservative that is widely used for Swiss Cheese production. This bacterium is commonly found in many dairy-based products.


We’ve finally reached the end of this article! We hope our post stopped you from ditching recipes that require fermento. After all, the solution is simple: fermento substitutes!. These substitutes are readily available and affordable.

You can pick a suitable fermento alternative based on your requirements. For example, if your priority is for the sausages to have that similar tangy taste, Prague powder one or citric acid is a good option.

You can check for dextrose or kefir as a healthier alternative. So, your decision depends on what works best for you!

Thank you for reading. See you in our next post!

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